Martina Kanning and Wolfgang Schlicht
Department of Sport and Exercise Science, University of Stuttgart, Germany
Kanning, M., Schlicht, W. (2011). The association between intra-individual and extraindividual determinants, and lifetime sports behavior on leisure time physical activity. A cross-sectional study with older adults. International Journal of Sport Psychology, 42(5), 493-511.
There exists convincing evidence that physical activity (PA) helps older people stay healthy. Nevertheless, many older people remain inactive. Interventions can enhance PA, but they focus mainly on social-cognitive determinants and often neglect environmental influences. In this cross-sectional study, we examined the association between individual and environmental factors and PA. We asked 592 people between 50 and 60 years old about intra-individual and extra-individual factors, their lifetime sports behavior and their current volume of PA. Structural equation modeling revealed an acceptable model-fit (RMSEA = .03; SRMR = .05; CFI = .95). The model showed that lifetime sports behavior was most strongly associated with PA (β = .27), followed by intra-individual (β = .22) and extra-individual (β = .10) factors. We also explored moderators via two-step cluster analyses. These findings illustrated that lifestyle and place of residence primarily moderated the associations. Interventions intended to enhance the PA of older people should include both intra-individual and extra-individual factors, and it may be helpful to support these people when they are younger. Additionally, they should be targeted by lifestyle and place of residence.
Keywords: Physical activity, Physical environment, Social-cognitive determinants, Socio-cultural environment