Fifty years with the International Journal of Sport Psychology: From the history of sport psychology to its actual pathways

Alberto Cei *, Fabio Lucidi ** and Sidonio Serpa ***

(*) Department of Human Sciences and Promotion of the Quality of Life, San Raffaele Roma Open University, Italy
(**) Department of Psychology of Development and Socialization Processes, “Sapienza” University of Rome, Italy
(***) CIDEFES, Universidade Lusofona, Portugall


Cei, A., Lucidi, F., Serpa, S. (2020). Fifty years with the International Journal of Sport Psychology: From the history of sport psychology to its actual pathways. International Journal of Sport Psychology, 51(6), 559-561. doi:10.7352/IJSP.2020.51.559


Fifty years after its appearance as the very first journal specifically committed to sport psychology, the International Journal of Sport Psychology (IJSP) is today a well reputed and well established scientific journal. Aimed at both researchers and practitioners, the papers published are often not just of academic interest, but also have practical applications too. After the first special issue looking back at the history of sport psychology, with this second issue we are interested to reflect about contemporary sport psychology and the actual role of the IJSP as a peer reviewed journal publishing and circulating research findings and theoretical speculation from sport psychologist over five continents (both scientists and practitioners) to learn from and build upon.
