Moderate Physical Activity as a Predicator of Emotional Well-being and Motivation Towards Physical Activity in Older Spanish Adults

Raquel Carcelén *, Jessica Navarro **/***, Pedro Gargallo ****, Juan Carlos Colado ****, Rosa María Baños **/***/***** and Juan Francisco Lisón ******

(*) Department of Medicine and Surgery, Universidad Cardenal Herrera-CEU, CEU Universities, Valencia, Spain
(**) Department of Personality, Evaluation and Psychological Treatment, University of Valencia, Spain
(***) CIBER Fisiopatología Obesidad y Nutrición (CIBEROBN), Instituto Carlos III, Spain
(****) Research Group in Prevention and Health in Exercise and Sport. University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain
(*****) Instituto Polibienestar, Universidad de Valencia, Spain
(******) Department of Biomedical Sciences, Universidad Cardenal Herrera-CEU, CEU


Carcelén, R., Navarro, J., Gargallo, P., Colado, J.C., Baños, R.M., Lisón, J.F. (2023). Moderate Physical Activity as a Predicator of Emotional Well-being and Motivation Towards Physical Activity in Older Spanish Adults. International Journal of Sport Psychology, 54(1), 48-66. doi:10.7352/IJSP.2023.54.048


139 older adults completed the POMS, BREQ-2, and IPAQ. To understand the relationship between the variables we used Pearson’s correlation coefficient and stepwise linear regression analyses to construct a model to identify independent contributors to major emotional wellbeing and motivation towards PA. Vigorous PA was associated with anger (r = .302, p < .01), tension (r = .170, p < .05) and amotivation (r = .203; p < .05), while moderate PA was associated with vigor (r = .196, p < .05) and with more self-determined forms of regulation (intrin- sic regulation, r = .242, p < .01). Furthermore, moderate PA was a significant and independent predictor (AdjR2 = .065) for intrinsic regulation. We conclude that interventions should focus on recommending moderate PA in this population.

Keywords: Behavioral regulation Healthy aging; Physical activity, Motivation, emo- tional wellbeing