Validation of the group environment questionnaire in croatian: measuring group cohesion in professional football

Dragan Glavaš *, Josip Držai ** and Mario Pandži *

(*) Catholic University of Croatia, Department of Psychology, Zagreb, Croatia
(**) Centre for vocational rehabilitation «Zagreb», Zagreb, Croatia


Glavaš, D., Držai, J., Pandži, M. (2021). Validation of the group environment questionnaire in croatian: measuring group cohesion in professional football. International Journal of Sport Psychology, 52(2), 172-188. doi:10.7352/IJSP.2021.52.172


The main aim of this study was to determine the factor structure and psychometric properties of the Group Environment Questionnaire in the Croatian sport context among professional football players and examine whether cohesion factors predict theoretically assumed conceptual outcomes of group cohesion. The sample consisted of 177 professional football players aged between 18-30 years. Several alternative models were tested using confirmatory factor analysis. Carron’s original four-factor model did not fit the data. Modified version resulted in a good fit of three-factor model distinguishing task and social group integration, and individual attraction to the group. Team satisfaction and perception of team success were positively predicted by Individual Attraction to the Group, while Task and Social Group Integration factors effect was not significant. The results encourage us to assume the theoretical cohesion factors in the specific context of professional sport in Croatia, though further psychometric testing is needed to improve Croatian GEQ.

Keywords: Group cohesion, Professional football, Team satisfaction, Team success