One-year Follow-up Data on the Face-to-face Autonomy-Supportive Intervention Program for Physical Education Teachers

Henri Tilga, Hanna Kalajas-Tilga, Vello Hein, Lennart Raudsepp and Andre Koka

Institute of Sport Sciences and Physiotherapy, Faculty of Medicine, University of Tartu, Estonia


Tilga, H., Kalajas-Tilga, H., Hein, V., Raudsepp, L., Koka, A. (2021). One-year Follow-up Data on the Face-to-face Autonomy-Supportive Intervention Program for Physical Education Teachers. International Journal of Sport Psychology, 52(6), 569-572. doi:10.7352/IJSP.2021.52.569


In a recent manuscript published in International Journal of Sport Psychology, entitled “Effects of a brief one-day autonomy-supportive intervention on improving basic psychological needs, motivation, and behaviours of physical activity among middle-school students: A multidimensional approach”, we reported that a one-day eight-hour Autonomy-Supportive Intervention Program for Physical Education (ASIP-PE) with the aim to increase autonomy-supportive and decrease controlling behaviour of physical education (PE) teachers was effective (Tilga et al., in press) in changing students’ perceptions of their physical education teachers’ cognitive and procedural autonomy support at a one-month follow-up, compared to control group students. After the intervention, a significant increase was also found in the experimental group students’ need satisfaction for autonomy and competence. Also, a significant decrease was found in experimental group students’ perceptions of their PE teachers’ intimidation and negative conditional regard, and in students’ need frustration for autonomy. This letter is to briefly convey additional data regarding the long-term benefits of ASIP-PE now that we have been able to conduct one-year follow-up analyses.
