Validation of a 6-Item Coaching Servant Leadership Scale

Shohei Takamatsu

Faculty of Education, Kobe Shinwa University, Kobe, Japan


Takamatsu, S. (2024). Validation of a 6-Item Coaching Servant Leadership Scale. International Journal of Sport Psychology, 55(4), 354-367. doi:10.7352/IJSP.2024.55.354


There has been a growing interest in servant leadership within the sport coaching domain; however, a brief and valid scale to measure the servant leadership of the coaches is lacking. Therefore, this study examined the validity of a 6-item shortened form of (CSL-6) Takamatsu’s (2022) coaching servant leadership scale. The psychometric properties of CSL-6 were examined across three studies. The samples for the studies were 89 Japanese college athletes, 1015 Japanese college athletes, and 278 U.S. college athletes, respectively. This study demonstrated the psychometric properties, reliability, and criterion-related validity of CSL-6. Further, it shows that using CSL-6 reduces the respondents’ burden and allows for more complex theories and models to be examined in future studies.

Keywords: Coach, Athlete, Servant leader, Coach-athlete relationship